Monday, December 7, 2009


First, to kick off the festivity, a few quick pictures of the highly successful Beat Black Friday event:

Since Thanksgiving, the Christmas spirit has been in the air here, even though our local farmers, my father included, are trying to discourage such things. It's been a hard fall: the unharvested corn stands in the fields as relentless reminders of that. December and stuff still isn't harvested?? Nevertheless, I'm patiently waiting for our first major snowfall, which is scheduled to hit on Wednesday. They are talking 6-10 inches. Now, that doesn't sound like much, but out here in the boonies it's not easy to drive some of the roads when they are clean. So, if this storm comes, we're in for a snow day.


I'm so ready for the festivities to begin: my extended family is coming in to town on the 20th to celebrate Christmas with us and my beloved Caleb gets home from college, for good, on the 18th.

Above all, I'm only eleven days plus nine final exams away from glorious Christmas-Break freedom. Glorious!

As the day of Christ's birth is fast approaching, I'm filled with a sort of, child-like glee: I love this time of year. Despite the biting cold that nearly drives me to become a hermit, despite the crabby-pants politicians who tell me I can't say Merry Christmas and still be socially acceptable, despite the shopping frenzy and the late-night finals cramming and the terribly icy roads...I still love this time of year. For me it's a time of togetherness and fellowship that just doesn't happen often enough. Wonder and mystery still play into my Christmas season. It's nothing short of magical.

All this goodwillishness is making me want to go hug someone...

In other news: There is a tentative Fiber Freaks event in the mix over this lovely Christmas break. Keep your ears open for more details as they come.

Hope you all are having as good of a week as I am.
-Carolyn Michelle

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