Saturday, June 7, 2008


Horay! You are reading the blog!!!

Okay, this is the Luck, Love and Hedgehogs' Official Blog!! *fanfare, trumpets, and confetti* Which is kind of ironic because, technically, Luck Love and Hedgehogs doesn't even exist yet. Heh.

So, here's the background information all in one convenient place for those of you who have never heard of Luck Love and Hedgehogs (which is probably all of you, unless you are some freaky mind reader or something):

My name is Carolyn. I am 16 years old and I have been making stuff since I was born, pretty much. My mother dearest (who is known as Bubba, by the way) is all about the self-employment movement and after some pressuring from her (and people who saw what kind of things I make), I came up with Luck Love and Hedgehogs. It's my business that I will be using to sell my handmade goodies. The products range from crazy little crocheted stuffed animals to pendents made from shrink plastic. It's quite a range, let me tell you!

You may be thinking, "So where does this blog come in to play with this whole...hedgehog...thingy?" Well, I have been raised on the mantra "You gotta get your product out there, or it won't sell" so that's what I am doing. I'm spreading the word! And, once I get the Etsy shop up and running, this will kind of be a little behind-the-scenes place for my rantings about life, money, and anything else that relates to crafting and selling. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a ton of help from experienced entrepreneurs/crafters, since I really have no idea what I'm getting myself into. Yeah....

Thank you for reading and please keep checking back for more updates on the will-be shop and/or craft shows I might be at!

All my love,

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