Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas wonderment

Christmas was full of wonder this year. It was such a joy seeing new members of my family get to participate in the traditions I have grown up with. My favorite being the annual sharing of the cheesy tates. You really can't beat something like Grandma's cheesy tates. yumyumyum. I have some cheese tate leftovers in the fridge right now. I'm thinking lunch.

I really hate to go off and list what I got for Christmas (because that's really not interesting or even polite) but I would like to tell you about one key gift: a sewing machine.

I GOT A NEW SEWING MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is the best gift ever ever ever on the face of the earth ever. EVER.
You get it.
It's a Brother brand machine, Project Runway Limited Edition spiff-tacular beast of computerized stitch selection glory. Yes, glory. It even automatically adjusts the stitch length, width, and tension for me when I change the stitch. Thank God above who created such clever sewing machine engineers! I am really really stoaked about this.
Thank you bubba, Tara, and Daddy...if you guys read this. <3>
In other news, we are one day away from one HUGE explosion of creativity in the Hedgehog household. Fiber Freaks!!! I can't believe it's already here...
In case, somehow, you missed the e-mail and previous posts and would still love to join us, here's the 411:
Where: My house (directions through e-mail)
When: 11am-10pm come as you please
What: FIBER FREAKS!!! Crocheting, knitting, and sewing like madwomen (and men)
Bring: fiber of any sort, an opened mind and FOOD!
See you there?
Hope you guys are feeling as blessed and fuffilled as I am. May God guide you throught this crazy weather safely!! Have a wonderful day, enjoy your gifts :D
All my love,
Carolyn Michelle

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